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When you hurt good hearted people, they won't scream, they'll keep their pain inside. They will gently and silently drift away never to return. They won't stop being good, they'll never trust you again.

This is exactly when you lost them.
Stay crazy, or you'll go mad.
Nobody saw anything,
Nobody heard anything,
Nobody said anything;

But everybody knew.
Form opinions on things and then find the strongest critique of those opinions. 

If I don't talk, then we have nothing but air
The more I witness the more I am convinced that the Great Cosmic Joke is taped to our backsides and the universe is laughing at us...hard. 

Really, really hard.
RIP David Lynch. Thanks for all the mind bending cosmic fantasy fever waking dreams
Without Data

you're just another person

with an opinion.
the first apes begin to deny that they are our ancestors
Hang on.
Let me overthink this.

Once I hear that Purge siren, I know exactly who I'm going after.

My childhood home
is burning please send
love and money

The "you may find yourself" bits are brief moments of lucidity in an otherwise numb life, where you look around at your life and question how you ended up here.
People are in your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.

Stop trying to force them into the wrong category.

Mel Robbins

Go outside...
You feel that??

That's how cold 
I can get
don't play with me.
nobody told me it was over

Life hack:

When there is a sale on you can actually save 100% by not buying anything
I fell for a Librarian
I asked her to be mine

I said 'My love for you
Is overdue'
And she said 'Fine'
My dentist told me I need a crown.

I was like, "I know, right?"

Trump becomes President
on Monday
I hate Mondays
Do more things that feel good rather than get them right
It's hard to read posts or get to posts-this is annoying :(
While thrift marketing today I saw a case of cassette tapes from the '80s and they were presented in the case as "antique music cartridges" and the rest of my beard went Gray.
we make the unconscious conscious,

 it will rule our lives
                  and we will
                   call it fate.

       Social Psychology 666

Whatever  you happen to think about me, good or bad, if I deny it, I'm lying.
Nobody will read what I don't post! 

Who the fuck is nobody and how does he/ she know what I didn't post?
Hang on.
Let me overthink this.
Life update: so far, so far.
ain't nobody with half a brain gonna stay outside in the pouring rain. anybody else gonna get inside 'less somebody gonna stop that rain. ever'body   what got a brain gonna understand it all real plain.
what others think of you, well, you know, that's just like, uh, their opinion...

I never stop being amazed by my ability to do stupid things without any reason.
Nobody saw anything,
Nobody heard anything,
Nobody said anything;

But everybody knew.
Do more things that feel good rather than get them right

i applied to be a somebody but the position was closed, so i had no choice other than to start as a nobody.
Studies reveal that a woman's preferences for men's facial features can change with her cycle.
For example, earlier in her cycle she's attracted to men with rugged and masculine features.
However, during her time of the month, she prefers a man  with duct tape over his mouth.
nobody told me it was over

I, a universe of atoms, an atom in the universe.

- R. Feynman
Sometimes people come into your life and they need to stop doing that.
Without Data

you're just another person

with an opinion.
if anything visualises the lostness of mankind in our day, it is the extent of fear and anxiety that circulates among us. 
fear is the mark of cain of our time.

Its my birthday and a Wolf moon night too:
the January moon is howling deeply, 
darkly brooding but brightness is awake, 
alive, aware, eyes wide closed looking 
at inner hearts soulful shedding its caterpillar sorry split skin and insight can almost see mind's moon moth wings beating to the broken hearts bleats while wolves wash with silent siren songs: starry skies crystal clear resounding with catharsis calling in a Kulning cattle shrill singing for Winter's wane to quicken, so Spring can come, so Spring springs again

when you're having fun, time flies past like a cheetah on meth. if you're not, it drags by like a snail on smack.

when are they going to crack down on drug abuse in the animal kingdom?!
i sail because it's cheaper than therapy and no one makes me talk.
"Os piores inimigos de qualquer pessoa são os próprios parentes (familiares)." 

Miquéias 7:6
RIP David Lynch. Thanks for all the mind bending cosmic fantasy fever waking dreams

          "Keep your
          eye on the 
          not on the

         David Lynch

It's not illegal. It's just frowned upon. Like masturbating on an airplane.
laundry today 
naked tomorrow
You look like something 
I draw with my left hand.
There is a big difference between a guy and a girl saying,

"I went through an entire box of tissues during that movie."
Whenever I delete an app on my phone, 
the shaking icons make me feel like they're all panicked over who's getting axed •
My doctor asked if anyone in my family was suffering from mental illness. I said; "no, we all seem to enjoy it"

If I wanted to kill myself I would climb your ego and jump to your IQ.

With the right music, you either forget everything or you remember everything
I love waving at random people,  because you know for the rest of the day they're trying to figure out who the hell you were.

If your religion is worth killing for, please start with yourself
Voices in your head - normal

Listening to them - common

Arguing with them - acceptable

Losing the argument - BIG PROBLEM
i just burnt my tongue on some food 

they say the ones you love hurt you the most


Adam and Eve were the first people to agree to the Apple terms and conditions without reading them.
Sun goes down earlier for short people.

If you think the things I say out loud are bad, you should hear the things I keep to myself.
justice is
a beautiful concept.
unicorns too.
I wanted to write down exactly what I felt but somehow the paper stayed empty 

and I could not have described it any better
Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.
10% of conflicts are due to differences in opinion. 

90% are due to wrong tone of voice.
I like to be alone. 
But I would rather be alone with you.
in love
with you,

but you
don't exist.