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Shortest day, 
Longest Night,
Time for Winter's chill delights!
Happy Solstice my BOLDIES!
Elon is a Musk have


Hey there grunion
in the moonlight,
just because you can
wiggle your tail
down into the sand
and straightly stand;
that doesn't make
The older I get the more I understand why roosters scream to start their day
if it's more than skin deep, you either get stabbed or screwed
chickening out is in
land was created to provide a place for boats to visit.


- lonelyscribe
. . . ? 
If you have never ever 
wanted anything 
so much,
have never ever loved 
anyone so deeply,
have never ever done 
everything you could 
to make a dream come true,
then we, 
you & me,
ain't gotta
cotton~pickin thing
to discuss.

education isn't something you can finish.

My wife said 
"I was talking to you and you yawned six times. Am I boring you?" 

I said "that was not yawning, they were six unsuccessful attempt to speak".
The next time you get a call from an unknown number answer the phone and say, 
"It's done, but there's blood everywhere."
Personally, I don't find swearing offensive. 

I do find, backstabbing, lying, cheating and fucking people over offensive, but not swearing.

 The moon
 is a friend
 for the
 to talk to.
My music playlist is severely schizophrenic. I'm either in love, depressed, gone crazy, or full throttle headbanger.
Apologies for not responding to messages and comments in a timely fashion. I'm understaffed at the moment.
I just found out cock fighting is done with chickens...

...that's 12 months of training completely wasted!
I rescued little wizard duck
And kept her safe and warm.
She finally recovered,
And gave to me this charm.

"A magic egg," she said to me,
"The spell, (now please repeat it:)"
"When I need a fast escape,
put egg in shoe and beat it."
High time to get a tree out of the forest, dress it up like a cheap bitch and watch it
slowly die over the holidays...


If you have a lot to say but little to prove, don't expect many to agree with you.

People who show more arrogance than brains, usually end up with just a big mouth.

When shown your true colors, let that sink in.

Words can help or hurt others, so think before you speak.

If one does not take the time to find the truth, one will always believe in an opinion.

If one mocks without a sense of dignity, their words stem from a place of ugliness.
the art of being wise is the ability to know what to ignore.
if you have difficulties with your self esteem, just imagine that you're a cat and you've got yourself.

If you say a lot without saying much, don't feel flattered, feel ignorant.

Allowing your voice to overthrow that of common sense, facts and knowledge, proves you should not be speaking.

To allow yourself to be trampled on works both sides.  A two way street is more dangerous.