This is a scheduled post planned to be published at 1474621541000 at 1474621541000

In all the millions of words I found between the covers of that beloved book, I could not find one single word that described 'Me'.  No word that indicated my huge capacity to feel, my elusive and ever-changing cyclical nature, my raw femaleness, my delicacy, my shyness, my strength, my yearning to be seen and known and loved and gotten. 
No word. Not one.
In all the millions of words I found between the covers of that beloved book, I could not find one single word that described 'Me'. No word that indicated my huge capacity to feel, my elusive and ever-changing cyclical nature, my raw femaleness, my delicacy, my shyness, my strength, my yearning to be seen and known and loved and gotten. No word. Not one.
1474621541000 at 1474621541000