This is a scheduled post planned to be published at 26.9.2014 at 14:18
I want an FAQ section that tells me how many characters you're allowed to put into this thing without me having to type a load of gibberish that nobody wants to read and I don't want to type if I only have to then go back and count all the letters I've used as it won't let me cut and paste them into another app that would count it all for me and I don't even know if it's still accepting everything I'm typing or if I'll just get an error message when I try to post it or this post will just look stupid because it's over the character limit and just cuts off in the middle of a word or sentence  ,or will it just let me go on and on typing with the font getting smaller and smalle I want an FAQ section that tells me how many characters you're allowed to put into this thing without me having to type a load of gibberish that nobody wants to read and I don't want to type if I only have to then go back and count all the letters I've used as it won't let me cut and paste them into another app that would count it all for me and I don't even know if it's still accepting everything I'm typing or if I'll just get an error message when I try to post it or this post will just look stupid because it's over the character limit and just cuts off in the middle of a word or sentence ,or will it just let me go on and on typing with the font getting smaller and smalle
26.9.2014 at 14:18