This is a scheduled post planned to be published at 1384273324000 at 1384273324000
Substitutions that make reading the news more fun:

witnesses > these dudes I know
allegedly > kinda probably
new study > tumblr post
rebuild > avenge
google glass > virtual boy
smartphone > pokedex
electric > atomic
senator > elf-lord
car > cat
election > eating contest
homeland security > homestar runner
could not be reached for comment > is guilty and everyone knows it Substitutions that make reading the news more fun: witnesses > these dudes I know allegedly > kinda probably new study > tumblr post rebuild > avenge google glass > virtual boy smartphone > pokedex electric > atomic senator > elf-lord car > cat election > eating contest homeland security > homestar runner could not be reached for comment > is guilty and everyone knows it
1384273324000 at 1384273324000