This is a scheduled post planned to be published at 1495938696000 at 1495938696000
I'd rather be benched then have to go bench press to impress somebody who actually by the way has a body of their own when they can go do that too and maybe I'll do it with you if it's a contact sport hun let's play till one of us is tired you see you can only take things the wrong way for so long until you either realize you're going the wrong way or you're carrying the wrong thing or both or neither, how do you know Humanity has captured God's greatest trick imagine for a minute that The Stairway to Heaven is the on ramp to the Highway to Hell...
I'd rather be benched then have to go bench press to impress somebody who actually by the way has a body of their own when they can go do that too and maybe I'll do it with you if it's a contact sport hun let's play till one of us is tired you see you can only take things the wrong way for so long until you either realize you're going the wrong way or you're carrying the wrong thing or both or neither, how do you know Humanity has captured God's greatest trick imagine for a minute that The Stairway to Heaven is the on ramp to the Highway to Hell...
1495938696000 at 1495938696000