This is a scheduled post planned to be published at 1693865127000 at 1693865127000

Wikipedia has killed encyclopedias, emoticons have killed cursive, money 
has killed love, modern living will slay 
alive much before death will kill life - civilization has killed culture, common sense is out of fashion, free speech has lost its purpose, governments do not 
lead to betterment, society is losing its humaneness and yet, we are living in the zenith of history?

Wikipedia has killed encyclopedias, emoticons have killed cursive, money has killed love, modern living will slay alive much before death will kill life - civilization has killed culture, common sense is out of fashion, free speech has lost its purpose, governments do not lead to betterment, society is losing its humaneness and yet, we are living in the zenith of history?
1693865127000 at 1693865127000