This is a scheduled post planned to be published at 1503498807000 at 1503498807000
There is always some good in the bad; some bad in the good but together it is life
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There is always some good in the bad; some bad in the good but together it is life ,,,,,,,...........,,,,,. ..oo8Y8888888b.._ .8888888888888 "Yb. .d888P "" Y8888b "b. o88888 88888) "b d88888b. .d8888 ''b 888888888888888" 8 (88DWB8888888P 8) 8888888888PP'' 8 Y88888888P'' e.e.e .P Y8888888'' 8888 oP "Y888888 eee oP" "Y8888o._ _ _ _ _.oP" `""Y888boodP""'
1503498807000 at 1503498807000