This is a scheduled post planned to be published at 1651107297000 at 1651107297000
"..Through my work with the patients 
I realised that paranoid ideas and hallu-
cinations contain a germ of meaning. 
A personality, a life history, a pattern of hopes and desires lie behind the psych- osis. The fault is ours if we do not under- stand them. It dawned upon me then for the first time that a general psychology of the personality lies concealed within psychosis, and that even here we come upon the old human conflicts. Although patients may appear dull and apathetic, or totally imbecilic, there is more going on in their minds, and more that is meaningful, than there seems to be." 

- Carl Gustav Jung,
Memories, Dreams, Reflections. "..Through my work with the patients I realised that paranoid ideas and hallu- cinations contain a germ of meaning. A personality, a life history, a pattern of hopes and desires lie behind the psych- osis. The fault is ours if we do not under- stand them. It dawned upon me then for the first time that a general psychology of the personality lies concealed within psychosis, and that even here we come upon the old human conflicts. Although patients may appear dull and apathetic, or totally imbecilic, there is more going on in their minds, and more that is meaningful, than there seems to be." - Carl Gustav Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections.
1651107297000 at 1651107297000