This is a scheduled post planned to be published at 1485873959000 at 1485873959000
I recently wrote that our greatest contribution may be someone we raise.  This generation of children are seeing the best and the worst displays of love and hate.  The world is so divided on what is right or wrong.  I pray our children don't forget as they grow into the adults of tomorrow what so many have forgotten, to ALWAYS treat every person as they themselves would like to be treated.  Children learn through example.  We need for them to follow the examples of those who are accepting of ALL mankind and learn from all other examples what not to be.  Our world desperately needs a change, maybe our legacy will be the children who make it. I recently wrote that our greatest contribution may be someone we raise. This generation of children are seeing the best and the worst displays of love and hate. The world is so divided on what is right or wrong. I pray our children don't forget as they grow into the adults of tomorrow what so many have forgotten, to ALWAYS treat every person as they themselves would like to be treated. Children learn through example. We need for them to follow the examples of those who are accepting of ALL mankind and learn from all other examples what not to be. Our world desperately needs a change, maybe our legacy will be the children who make it.
1485873959000 at 1485873959000