This is a scheduled post planned to be published at 1373589814000 at 1373589814000
Okay, lets ask a question...have you ever got bitten by an Elephant, okay...have you ever got bitten by an Ant? So tell me, what's your answer is going to be...exactly, I'm pretty sure an Ant has bitten the hell out of you plenty of times. The pain has such a big impact from such a small organism. Look at life that way, it's the small things you need to take heed to before worries about the big things first. The small things leads up to the big things you do not want to encounter later...just a little food for thought! 

-Adolphus Okay, lets ask a question...have you ever got bitten by an Elephant, okay...have you ever got bitten by an Ant? So tell me, what's your answer is going to be...exactly, I'm pretty sure an Ant has bitten the hell out of you plenty of times. The pain has such a big impact from such a small organism. Look at life that way, it's the small things you need to take heed to before worries about the big things first. The small things leads up to the big things you do not want to encounter later...just a little food for thought! -Adolphus
1373589814000 at 1373589814000