This is a scheduled post planned to be published at 1468262257000 at 1468262257000
             'PROTECTING HER SOUL'

There is a part of her soul that is off limits.  A moment in her past there was an unbearable hurt.  This pain was so bad, she felt it might kill her, though somehow she managed to survive.  But, a portion of her soul was too badly injured and died at that time.  It's not that she doesn't want to open her complete self to those she loves, but she just doesn't know if the already vunerable piece is ever wounded further, would she again be able to pull through, or would the injury become toxic and finish off what good remains of her soul?  So that particular door will forever remain closed and the key long ago destroyed. 'PROTECTING HER SOUL' There is a part of her soul that is off limits. A moment in her past there was an unbearable hurt. This pain was so bad, she felt it might kill her, though somehow she managed to survive. But, a portion of her soul was too badly injured and died at that time. It's not that she doesn't want to open her complete self to those she loves, but she just doesn't know if the already vunerable piece is ever wounded further, would she again be able to pull through, or would the injury become toxic and finish off what good remains of her soul? So that particular door will forever remain closed and the key long ago destroyed.
1468262257000 at 1468262257000