This is a scheduled post planned to be published at 1440143476000 at 1440143476000
So, what is Love? Four bytes of data called letters. Those four bytes form the word Love.  Love is a word that is quite possibly the strongest and most used word in existence. It can lift one to do most anything. It can cause one to lose everything including their minds. It can be a great strength. It can be a terrible weakness. It can build and it can destroy. Bring happiness or great sorrow. It can cause one to do great things and can cause one to completely give up the will to live. It causes one to place the one loved  ahead of themselves even unto death. It can not be lived without but yet many try.  But it is always 1 thing. The willingness to sacrifice everything for the one they love. For Love is...Love is & forever will be..Love So, what is Love? Four bytes of data called letters. Those four bytes form the word Love. Love is a word that is quite possibly the strongest and most used word in existence. It can lift one to do most anything. It can cause one to lose everything including their minds. It can be a great strength. It can be a terrible weakness. It can build and it can destroy. Bring happiness or great sorrow. It can cause one to do great things and can cause one to completely give up the will to live. It causes one to place the one loved ahead of themselves even unto death. It can not be lived without but yet many try. But it is always 1 thing. The willingness to sacrifice everything for the one they love. For Love is...Love is & forever will be..Love
1440143476000 at 1440143476000