This is a scheduled post planned to be published at 1405986391000 at 1405986391000
The human mind & the ego will not allow someone to simply let go of things & people who have impacted their outlook on life, love, themselves & other's in such a profound way, not good or bad just profound. At some point the curtains must close and the cast revealed for our nature wil not allow us to go on living in complete compliance & ignorant bliss it will eventually destroy itself or others because we will always come back to the truth we have experienced, the truth known not by the mind but by the heart. We yearn to be told, to feel, to know if true love is evil & sellfish or all that is good & selfless. 
-ChrisRota- The human mind & the ego will not allow someone to simply let go of things & people who have impacted their outlook on life, love, themselves & other's in such a profound way, not good or bad just profound. At some point the curtains must close and the cast revealed for our nature wil not allow us to go on living in complete compliance & ignorant bliss it will eventually destroy itself or others because we will always come back to the truth we have experienced, the truth known not by the mind but by the heart. We yearn to be told, to feel, to know if true love is evil & sellfish or all that is good & selfless. -ChrisRota-
1405986391000 at 1405986391000