This is a scheduled post planned to be published at 1477947150000 at 1477947150000
"The Truth" Is Not "True" Because You "Believe"  It..

Just As Your "Unbelief" Won't Make "The Truth" Any Less "True"

It Is Not An Opinion..
It Can Not Be Altered..
& It Does Not Require
Belief, In Order To Be!

     "The Truth" IS "The Truth"
           Its Just That Simple!

-lmeheula "The Truth" Is Not "True" Because You "Believe" It.. Just As Your "Unbelief" Won't Make "The Truth" Any Less "True" It Is Not An Opinion.. It Can Not Be Altered.. & It Does Not Require Belief, In Order To Be! "The Truth" IS "The Truth" Regardless... Its Just That Simple! -lmeheula
1477947150000 at 1477947150000