This is a scheduled post planned to be published at 1504708978000 at 1504708978000
Suddenly, this missing type of wrong made her really afraid. She started running rom the scary gray masses of the passengers, but they were everywhere, rushing somewhere else. The only persons not rushing were some homeless people sitting at the sides of the streets. They also seemed to go unnoticed by the passengers. The girl walked up to one. "Do you what's wrong?", she asked. The old man raised his head a little and she could see his tired, wrinkled face. There was some faint glance left in his eyes. " I don't know either, little girl. And, to be honest with you, I stopped caring" " But how can anyone stop caring?" "Just look around"  Suddenly, this missing type of wrong made her really afraid. She started running rom the scary gray masses of the passengers, but they were everywhere, rushing somewhere else. The only persons not rushing were some homeless people sitting at the sides of the streets. They also seemed to go unnoticed by the passengers. The girl walked up to one. "Do you what's wrong?", she asked. The old man raised his head a little and she could see his tired, wrinkled face. There was some faint glance left in his eyes. " I don't know either, little girl. And, to be honest with you, I stopped caring" " But how can anyone stop caring?" "Just look around"
1504708978000 at 1504708978000