This is a scheduled post planned to be published at 1473101141000 at 1473101141000
If it's called coffee, I'll gladly drink it, but my favorite is a good, strong brew, with a bit of a bitter bite, black, no sugar, milk, or cream to alter or dilute its flavor, although I do once in a blue moon stir on some honey, or if I'm in a rush, and the coffee feels boiling hot, add water or milk just to cool it down. If it's called coffee, I'll gladly drink it, but my favorite is a good, strong brew, with a bit of a bitter bite, black, no sugar, milk, or cream to alter or dilute its flavor, although I do once in a blue moon stir on some honey, or if I'm in a rush, and the coffee feels boiling hot, add water or milk just to cool it down.
1473101141000 at 1473101141000