This is a scheduled post planned to be published at 1604341668000 at 1604341668000
                      I got an extra testicle
    but you're skeptical about spectable
         and the crowd is so suggestible

            In the home of the showman,
                     home of the shaman,
                     home of the sheman,
                   home of the comedian,
                home of the vaudevillians
                 with opinions by millions

        I gotto get my prank on, prank on
   and hit 'em with a sad song, sad song
                  So take me to Broadway,
                  yo take me to Broadway
                  Yo take me to Broadway
                          and do it tonight! I got an extra testicle but you're skeptical about spectable and the crowd is so suggestible In the home of the showman, home of the shaman, home of the sheman, home of the comedian, home of the vaudevillians with opinions by millions I gotto get my prank on, prank on and hit 'em with a sad song, sad song So take me to Broadway, yo take me to Broadway Yo take me to Broadway and do it tonight!
1604341668000 at 1604341668000