By participating in (sponsored) missions on Boldomatic, you agree on and adhere to the respective mission rules.
Missions on Boldomatic are open to any Boldomatic user who is at least thirteen (13) years old at the time of entry. Employees of Boldomatic and other companies directly associated with the promotion of the mission, and their respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates and immediate family members and household members of each of such employees are not elgible. In order for a mission submission to be eligible for the mission it requires to feature the relating hashtag(s) (#missionhashtags) as defined in the mission information.
Boldomatic is the sole sponsor of the mission scheme. Apple is not a sponsor of, or responsible for conducting the promotion. The written consent from Boldomatic SA is strictly required to launch a mission on boldomatic. Any company, brand, institution, association, project or individual may engage in a mission on Boldomatic, yet the full responsibility of the promotion is being transferred over and conducted solely by Boldomatic SA. Boldomatic SA may turn down or end any (sponsored) mission at any point in time with or without the consent of the sponsor should boldomatic's terms of service get violated directly or indirectly through the mission.
Participation in (sponsored) missions on boldomatic constitutes entrants full and unconditional agreement to and acceptance of these official rules and the decision of the sponsor(s), which are final and binding. Winning a prize or multiple prizes, monetary, or non-monetary is contingent upon being compliant with these official rules and boldomatic's terms of service and fulfilling all requirements set forth herein.
The missions typically run from MON, 10 a.m. CET until FRI 6p.m. CET and eligible submissions are strictly limited to this time span unless indicated differently.
The sponsor and/or boldomatic staff will select (potential) winners in a random drawing, according to popularity within the scheme, messaging fit or any other criteria set forth. The winner(s) of the mission will be informed within three working days after the mission finished via Boldomatic inbuilt messaging. The winner(s) have six months to claim their price, should they miss this deadline, no compensation will be provided. No monetary compensation may be granted for mission participation. Specific missions may require you to be older than thirteen, to claim the prize(es). Should such be the case, specific rules will be highlighted in the missions info section. Boldomatic S.A. reserves the right to exclude mission entries during or after the mission closes for which there is evidence of malpractice, fraud, copyright infringement, or which in any other way violate Boldomatic's terms of service.